Architectural Watercolor Christmas Cards

Congratulations to Andrew Zega and Bernd Dams from Architectural Watercolors for being listed as one of Architectural Digest's discoveries! Andrew and Bernd have created a series of four holiday card sets which include Chinoiserie Pagodas, Garden Tents, Treillage Pavilions and Silver & Gold; read more on that at their blog NOTED.I ordered a number of their cards a few years ago and I can testify that they are of incredibly high quality. Whenever I give one with a gift to mark a special occasion I'm always told how beautiful the cards are. A lot of people actually have them framed!I first started following these talented guys a few years ago when they released one of their many books (on Versailles) and also bought a few of their paper folly lanterns (which they hope to put back into production again). I'm happy to say I plan on meeting up with Andrew and Bernd while in Paris next month and hope to bring you some tidbits from them upon my return!

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